
Delegation from Czech Republic Visited Kirovsky Zavod

Delegation from Czech Republic Visited Kirovsky Zavod

On 6 April, a meeting was held at Kirovsky Zavod with participation of top management of the holding represented by Director General of Kirovsky Zavod Georgy Semenenko and heads of subsidiaries, Consul General of the Czech Republic in St. Petersburg Karel Kyunl, representatives of Czech production companies and regional media.

 During the visit, members of the diplomatic mission and businessmen were familiarized with the latest results under the project of equipping the Petersburg Metro with innovative trains NeVa, accomplished by the joint venture of Kirovsky Zavod and Czech company Skoda Transportation - Vagonmash LLC. The guests visited the assembly and welding production site and tractor assembly conveyor of St. Petersburg Tractor Plant (JSC Kirovsky Zavod subsidiary), which started supplies of Kirovets tractors to Czech Republic in March 2016. 

One of the main targets of the meeting was to discuss opportunities for cooperation between Kirovsky Zavod and Czech companies. ANAJ POCC LLC (design and production of metal processing tools), ADAM DESIGN s.r.o (industrial design) and STROJIRNY POLDY s.r.o (manufacture of crank shafts, including those for tractor machines) presented their services and developments.

 In the interview to journalists, Consul General of the Czech Republic in St. Petersburg Karel Kyunl noted that the "Czech government always supports cooperation between Russian and Czech companies, and not only because we are connected by a long and extensive history." 

"Czech businessmen must remember that interaction between our countries is beneficial, and despite the existing difficulties related to sanctions, we need to look into the future and think about joint work. The result achieved by Vagonmash opens outlooks for new joint projects. I hope that our success with metro wagons NeVa is not the last one," told Karel Kyunl.

The companies exchanged experience in implementation of projects similar by areas in the production industry and agreed on further, more detailed talks.

Kirovsky Zavod and Skoda Transportation, by joint efforts, implement the contract for supply of 54 wagons for Petersburg Metro. First 9 NeVa trains manufactured under the contract have been operating on Nevsky-Vasileostrovsky Line since 2013. The last wagons will be launched no later than in 2017.

  NeVa carriages has decreased weight and enhanced noise characteristics. They have installed crawling information line and several video surveillance cameras. A part of seats are pulldown seats. Main difference of new generation of carriages against the previous one is application of asynchronous traction engines and digital control system that allows reducing power consumption for train movement by about 30%.

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