Seach Home About us Main Kirovsky Zavod enterprises History Museum Press Center Press Center News Video Photos Contacts Social responsibility HR policy Contact us Site usage Ru En De back Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov visits Kirov Plant 24.06.2021 15:14:00 Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Yury Borisov visited the Kirov Plant on June 24. Mr. Borisov, who is in charge of state policy on industry, was accompanied by Russian Deputy Ministers of Industry and Trade Alexander Morozov and Oleg Ryazantsev and Kirill Soloveichik, Chairman of the St Petersburg Committee on Industrial Policy, Innovation and Trade. CEO of Kirovsky Zavod Georgy Semenenko joined directors of the group’s subsidiaries to introduce the guests to the main production facilities and discuss prospects for their development as well as state support for major investment projects. The delegation’s first visit was to the Specialized Steels and Alloys Laboratory, created as part of the first stage of technical refitting of the Kirov Plant metallurgical facility, which is scheduled for completion by 2026. Director Alexei Potanin showed the guests an electroslag remelting furnace for steel ingots and an electric arc furnace. This equipment has been installed and is in the process of being commissioned and tested. At the Petersburg Tractor Plant, the guests were shown the ultra-modern Workshop 225, which produces gearboxes; Workshop 277, the welding and mechanical workshop where the enterprise’s machinery is currently being updated; and the main tractor assembly conveyor. At the suggestion of Sergei Serebryakov, Director of Petersburg Tractor Plant and Universalmash, Mr. Borisov joined Mr. Serebryakov to take a Kirovets tractor for a test ride. He drove from the Petersburg Tractor Plant to Universalmash in the latest K-7M series tractor. At Universalmash, the Deputy Prime Minister was given details of the comprehensive modernization of the company’s production facilities, including the production of Kirovets road construction equipment, which is being carried out with support from the Federal Industrial Development Fund. A demonstration of the equipment, both models already in production and prospective models, was given at the plant’s assembly site. Mr. Borisov’s almost two-hour working visit culminated at the Kirov-Energomash plant. The challenges of financing the production of steam turbine units for the third and fourth Project 22220 nuclear icebreakers were discussed. The delegation visited the assembly slipway in the MK-8 workshop, as well as the computer-controlled machine tool workshop, the unique test bench for high-power steam turbines and the stand boiler room. Particular attention was paid to the execution of state defense contracts to repair equipment for the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft cruiser and the Admiral Nakhimov nuclear-powered missile cruiser. share news News Production Innovation Events Partnership Ваш вопрос получен и передан в профильное подразделение ОК Thank you for contacting us. We will be in touch with you shortly. Thank you! You are subscribed to the latest newsletter. Ваше резюме будет рассмотрено в течение двух недель с момента его получения. Если Ваш опыт работы и пожелания соответствуют требованиям и возможностям компании, специалист по персоналу свяжется с Вами по указанным в резюме контактам. Отсутствие ответа по истечении вышеуказанного срока означает, что, к сожалению, на сегодняшний день мы не можем предложить какую-либо из имеющихся вакансий. В данном случае мы готовы будем рассмотреть Ваше резюме на другие вакансии Группы компаний «Кировский завод» при их появлении. Subscribe to our newsletter Name E-mail Spam protection Facebook Вконтакте OK Twitter Viber WhatsApp
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